Is Capgemini your dream company? Wondering how you can get a job there? Well, worry no more! We have curated this article to help you out with the Capgemini interview questions and answers 2025 along with the selection process. These insider tips and expert answers will help you ace the interview. This article is a pathway to your job in the prestigious and globally known organization: Capgemini.
About Capgemini
Capgemini was founded 54 years ago on October 01, 1967, by Serge Campf. It is headquartered in France. However, it provides services in all major global locations. It is currently active in 50 countries across the globe, with their network expanding every day. The company has over 3,40,700 employees out of which 1,25,000 are hired in India. Capgemini is leading the IT sector by earning a whooping €18.16 billion in revenue in 2021.
The company is currently led by the CEO; Aiman Ezzat and other board members. The company was titled as a pioneer in Everest Group’s Guidewire Assessment 2020. This company provides a variety of services to its clients such as; design and consulting, digital engineering, AI, data and cloud, softwares, quantum processors and more. The company provides these services through its various subsidiaries. The Capgemini subsidiary Sogeti is an information technology consulting company. Capgemini Q-Lab works in the field of quantum applications. Capgemini Engineering is a leading organization in technology, research and development consulting and organizational and information technology consulting. The recently launched Capgemini Invent is a design and consulting brand.
Capgemini is one of the world’s most popular information and technology companies. This is an ideal company for all the tech geeks who wish to turn their passion into a career. As a Capgemini employee you get access to exposure, exceptional growth and global connections. If your passion is technology and science, then it indeed is a right place for you! Continue reading further to know how you can get a job at a world renowned technology company: Capgemini!
Why Capgemini?
Capgemini is a global leader in consulting, engineering, technology, and digital transformation services. The Group is at the vanguard of innovation to address the whole range of customer opportunities in the expanding world of cloud, digital, and platforms.
Capgemini is a supreme leader in the world when it comes to working with companies to transform and manage their operations using technology. The Group’s daily decisions are made in accordance with its objective, which is to use technology to unlock human potential for a more inclusive and sustainable future. It’s a trustworthy and diverse organization with about 290,000 team members spread across about 50 nations. Due to its strong 50-year heritage and broad industry knowledge, Capgemini is trusted by its clients to address the full range of their business needs, from strategy and design to operations, driven by the rapidly evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, connectivity, software, digital engineering.
Capgemini Interview Round
The Capgemini recruitment process is done in three rounds which include; an online assessment, technical interview and an interview with HR. It is essential for a candidate to perform well in all three rounds to be finally considered for the post. All the rounds are conducted with an aim to examine the candidate’s skills and qualifications in regards to the job role mentioned by the company. Each round of the Capgemini selection process focuses on testing different angles of a candidate’s personality. Therefore, a candidate must give equal attention to all the rounds while preparing for the Capgemini recruitment drive 2024.
Capgemini Interview Round Process
Capgemini is a global company that is known for its quality services in IT and digital engineering sectors. Therefore, to get hired in the world’s top tech company is not going to be a cake walk. The candidates go through an extensive three round selection process. The candidates at Capgemini are hired on the basis of their performance in these three rounds. The complete Capgemini interview round process is mentioned below:
This is the first step in the three-round Capgemini recruitment process. This round is accessible via the comfort of your home. The candidates are tested on various domains and skills in this round. The candidates qualifying this round are called for the next levels of the selection process. Capgemini online assessment is conducted in four steps which include:
- Pseudocoding: This section is conducted to test the candidate’s knowledge of programming languages, coding and data algorithms. The candidates get MCQ type questions which are based on C, C++, Java, Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS).
- English Communication Test: English is a global language and knowledge of English is a must for candidates aspiring to join global companies like Capgemini. The Capgemini tests the candidates for their abilities in English Communication. This section of the test is MCQ based and tests the candidate’s grammar and vocabulary. It has questions in forms of reading comprehension, speech, voice, jumbled sentences and more.
- Game-Based Aptitude: It is the most recent and interesting addition to the Capgemini selection process. The candidate is required to complete a four series game based on Deductive Logical Thinking, Inductive Logical Thinking, Grid Challenge, and Motion Challenge. The game-based aptitude test helps in analyzing a candidate’s critical thinking and reasoning abilities.
- Behavioral Competency: This round is also known as the Adaptive Employee Personality Test or ADEPT-15 test. It is a psychometric test to analyze a candidate’s personality and work behavior. The test includes various statements and the candidates are required to mark the one they find most suitable in regards to their own behavior. There are no right or wrong answers in this test, therefore, candidates need to answer with utmost honesty describing their own characteristics.
Technical Interview Round
The candidates qualifying online assessment round are called for this step. It is conducted in-person in front of the company’s IT experts. This round is conducted to test the candidate’s technical knowledge and skills for the job applied. The candidates will be asked about latest technological advancements, common coding errors, programming languages and other situation based questions.
Since Capgemini is a leading company in the IT sector, the candidates must prepare well for this round. The candidates should know about programming languages like Java, C, C++, Python etc. It is essential for candidates to have complete expertise in one language at least. Apart from programming languages, they should also know about DBMS, OOPS, CN and OS. The interviewers might also put up questions from your previous job role, old projects and educational qualifications as provided by you in your resume.
This round is conducted to test the candidate’s practical skills. It focuses on analyzing your problem-solving skills, fluency with technology and other skills as per the company standards.
The candidates passing both online assessment and technical interview round will be called for an interview with the HR. The HR interview round is conducted to know about the candidate’s personality and work ethics. This round is done to check the candidate’s compatibility with the company’s work culture. The candidates are asked questions about their strengths, weaknesses, previous work experiences and other personality based questions.
The candidates can also be asked about Capgemini history and business ventures. The questions about Capgemini are asked to determine a candidate’s passions and willingness to work there. The candidates will also be asked questions on salary expectations and job responsibilities.
For the Capgemini HR interview round, the candidates should maintain a positive outlook. They should show signs of being an optimistic, skilled and loyal employee. The candidates should not berate their previous organization or boss while answering questions related to previous experiences. They should be open about their expectations from the company while telling about their skillset. The candidates should be well informed about the company’s history and heritage to appear highly invested in the job role.
HR Round Interview Process
The candidates are often confused about the Capgemini HR Round interview process as it does not follow a rigid pattern. The questions can be from anywhere and on anything. The main aim of the HR Round interview is to examine the candidate’s suitability as per the company’s work culture and standards. Therefore, the candidates must answer the questions with utmost sincerity and confidently. The candidates should include inferences from personal experiences while answering these questions to make themselves stand apart from the crowd. Here are some common questions from the Capgemini HR Round to help you understand the interview questions and how to answer them efficiently.
This question is the starter to all the interviews. These are asked to break the ice between the interviewer and interviewee. This is also asked to check the level of self awareness in a candidate. The candidates should try to make this answer as unique as they can. One should include details about their personal and family background, educational qualifications, work experiences, hobbies and interests. If you are a fresher, emphasize on your academic details and college assignments and projects led by you.
The interviewer is likely to ask you about your preferred work shift; day or night. They will also ask you about if you are willing to work night shifts as a lot of employees have problems with that. The shift questions are asked to determine the candidate’s willingness to join the company. These questions should be answered with complete honesty while stating the reasons for the preference. The candidate should not be rudely blunt in case they are rejecting the idea of working night shifts.
Questions on Why the Company Should Hire You?
This question is where you can establish yourself as an exceptional candidate for the offered job role. State your qualities and skills that match with the job description. Use keywords mentioned in the job description in your answer. If you have work experience, explain how that can be useful for this role. You can use references from school and college projects in case of no experience. You should state reasons that establish you as a best match for the offered job role. The candidates should have a convincing tone while answering these questions.
The candidates will definitely be asked about why they want to work with Capgemini out of all the IT companies around the world. The candidates should provide an interesting edge while answering this question. They should show their passion and preference towards the company. The candidates can talk about how their personal values and work ethics align with the company’s values. The candidates can state reasons like better pay, more growth opportunities, global exposure while expressing their preference for Capgemini.
Questions on Strengths and Weaknesses
The candidates are often asked about their greatest strengths and weaknesses. These questions are asked to get a greater insight on a candidate’s personality. The information on a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses help the interviewer to assess their potential for the mentioned job role. The answers to strength and weakness questions shape the flow of the interview and eventually become the main area of judgment for the interviewers.
The candidates must emphasize on their strengths and qualities and also state how they align with the job description. They should give examples of problems they solved using these qualities. While answering on weaknesses, the candidates should frame their answers in such a way that it highlights their different qualities rather than a weakness.
Where Do You See Yourself in the Next Five Years?
The candidates are often asked their five year plans for themselves. This question is asked to determine the candidate’s ambitiousness and growth plans. The candidates must answer this question in all seriousness. While talking about their personal plans and dreams, the candidates should also disclose the plan to achieve them. The candidates should also include their plans for the company’s growth and expansion while stating their plans of self-growth. However, the candidate should not give a rigid answer to this question. They should leave a door open for future possibilities and growth while talking about their current five year plan.
Questions on Achievements
When asked about your greatest achievement, the candidates should start by telling their most celebrated and recognised accomplishment. The candidate should also explain why they considered it to be their greatest achievement and how they achieved it. They should include all the necessary details and insights to help the interviewers understand the seriousness of the answer. If it was an achievement through a group project, the candidate should emphasize more on their role and how it helped them win.
The candidate can describe their achievements from both personal and professional fields. While telling about the achievement, the candidates should also describe challenges faced by them in the process. This question should be used as an opportunity to describe their personal wins and qualities by the candidate.
Difference Between Hard Work and Smart Work
The companies have changed their work ethics and values now. The companies don’t want someone that works hard rather they want someone who knows how to work smartly and efficiently. The candidates are likely to be asked about the difference between two styles of work and their preference between the two. The candidates should establish themselves as an efficient worker in this answer while highlighting the importance of smart work. However, they should not degrade hard work.
The candidates should explain to them the necessity of smart work while providing insights into their style of work. The candidates can use instances from past work experiences to explain the difference between both styles of work and the results yielded by them.
Questions on Leadership Skills
The interviewer might ask the candidate to rank themselves as a leader on a scale of 1 to 10. The candidates should not provide this ranking randomly. They should assess themselves based on past experiences and previous leadership positions while coming up with an answer. Once you have ranked your leadership skills, proceed to state the reasons for choosing that particular number. You can narrate instances from previous organizations where you held a position of authority.
After supporting your ranking with previous incidents, state qualities of a good leader that you find in yourself. Try to explain how you would keep a team together as a leader and how you plan to grow along with your team members.
“What makes you angry?” is a common interview question nowadays. This question is asked to examine the candidate’s patience and aggression levels. The candidates should come up with legitimate reasons that could make them angry. The candidates must tell the interview committee on how they plan to deal in unfavorable scenarios. They should come up with a plan to express their anger in a respectful and dignified manner. The candidates should focus more on describing how they deal with anger. They should show that they are capable of controlling their emotions and not get overwhelmed in a workspace.
Questions on Risk Taking Abilities and Experimentation
The employees are often faced with various risky and challenging situations while working in a company. Without risk and experimentation, a company’s growth is likely to be stagnant. Therefore, an ideal employee must have risk taking abilities and should know how to monetize these challenges.
The candidates when questioned about experimentation in an interview, should provide detailed descriptions of instances where they took risk and it was profitable. They should explain their risk analysation and planning process. Apart from this, they should also describe a plan for an unfortunate situation where the risk taking results in loss. The candidate should explain the importance of experimentation for a company’s growth.
Questions on Future Goals
The HR will definitely ask the candidate about their future goals to know if they plan to remain committed to the company or not. The candidates will be asked about their short term goals and long term goals both.
While answering questions on future goals, the candidates should express their ambitions in alignment to the company’s growth. They should give space to the importance of the company’s growth and profit space in relation to their ambitions in this answer. This helps them appear as a loyal employee with a long term commitment. The candidate must be realistic while answering this question.
While answering about short term goals, you can include the immediate changes you would want to bring in the department. You can also state a personal goal which is achievable in a short time span.
When you are asked about your long term plans, you can describe how you plan to grow. The candidates can also talk about a position of authority where they want to see themselves. While stating long term plans, the candidate must look confident, convincing and optimistic.
Questions on Motivational Factors
The candidates will be asked about their motivational factors during an interview so that the company knows how to boost their performance. The candidates should answer this question honestly and explain their reasons for choosing concerned motivational factors.
The candidates can mention ‘recognition and appreciation’ as their preferred motivational factor or they can talk about ‘promotions’ and ‘incentives.’ The candidates are advised to talk about their source of motivation by providing relevant reasons and references from the past.
Questions on Hobbies and Interests
This question is not taken seriously by the candidates at times and they mention most random things as their hobby. This question can be a game changer if answered properly. When asked about interests and hobbies, the candidates should mention the hobbies that are in alignment with the concerned job role to highlight their passion.
The candidates should be open to any question from their field of interest. They should describe why they enjoy this particular activity and how they take out time to pursue it.
Capgemini Technical Interview Questions: Freshers and Experienced
The most difficult round in the entire Capgemini recruitment process is considered to be the technical interview. It is focused on analyzing the candidate’s abilities required to fulfill the job role efficiently. The technical interview round is conducted face to face where the candidates are interviewed by the company’s tech experts. The candidates often get nervous around them which hampers the quality of their answers. Therefore, we have listed some of the commonly asked Capgemini technical interview questions below. The aspiring candidates can practise with the following questions to boost their confidence and ace the interview!
1. Why should one utilise a Database Management System (DBMS)? Explain its advantages.
The Database Management System (DBMS) is a layer between program and data. It allows users to access and maintain the database. Some of its advantages are:
- Data Security: An efficient DBMS provides better privacy and security solutions for its users. It makes it easier for the companies to protect the personal data of their clients.
- Faster Access: DBMS fast forwards the process to access data. It tracks business activities, thus it is easier and more feasible to access data from DBMS.
- Easy to Use: The DBMS makes processes like insertion, deletion or creation of files very easy. It gives a clear, crisp and simple view to the collected data.
2. Why is normalisation needed in a database?
It is essential to normalise the database because it reduces the chance of duplicate data, prevents issues related to data modification and ensures the storage of relevant data only.
3. What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?
UNION and UNION ALL are SQL operators used to link two or more result sets. The UNION command is used to select the related information from two or more tables. The data type of both the tables must be the same whereas UNION ALL selects the data without removing duplicates or sorting data.
4. Differentiate between Dataset.clone() and Dataset.copy()?
Dataset.clone() copies the structure of the dataset. It copies the table schema including the number of rows and columns. However, it does not copy any data. Dataset.copy() copies both the structure and the data from the original data. It copies content along with the table structure.
5. Differentiate between getch() and getche()?
The getch() command is done to read a single character from the keyboard and it displays the entered character without using enter key. The getche() function enters the next available keystroke from the console without waiting for the enter key.
6. What do you know about #pragma directive?
The #pragma directive is used to provide additional information to the compiler, beyond what is conveyed in the language itself. It is a preprocessor directive for turning on or off specific functionalities
7. To connect the C program and the operating system, what structure is used?
The file structure is used to connect the operating system and an application. The header file “stdio.h” defines the file. It contains information on the currently open file, its current size, and its memory location. The opening of a file dictates the software and operating system which file you want to access.
8. What is the drawback of scanf() and how can it be avoided (if any)?
The scanf() will fail with a string of characters. It can not be used to enter a multi-word string into a single variable. One can use the get( ) function to avoid this.
9. Illustrate public static void main (String args[ ]) in Java.
The entry point for any Java code is called main(). It is written as a public static void main (String args [ ]). It is illustrated below in a detailed manner:
- public: The term “public” refers to an access modifier. It’s used to specify who has access to use this method. This method is public, which implies that it can be accessed by any class.
- static: This is a keyword that indicates that it is a class-based system. In Java, main() is made static so that it can be accessed without having to create a class instance; however if main is not made static, the compiler will throw an error because main() is called by the JVM before any objects are created, and only static methods can be directly invoked via the class.
- void: The return type of a method is void, and it defines a method that does not return any value.
- main: It’s the name of the method that JVM looks for when it’s searching for a starting point for an application with a specific signature, and it’s the method where the main execution happens.
- String args[ ]: The parameter passed to the main method is String args[]. args[] is an array of arguments with each element as a string.
10. What is Java String Pool?
The Java String Pool is a special storage space in Java heap memory. It is used to create and store Java strings. It is also known as String Constant Pool or String Intern Pool.
11. Why are Java Strings immutable in nature?
The Java Strings are immutable because of the security, synchronization and concurrency, caching, and class loading features of the Java language.
12. Explain shallow copy vs deep copy in the context of Java.
In Java language, the shallow copy copies fields of primitive data leaving the object references. However, the Deep copy in Java copies primitive data types along with object references.
13. How is memory managed in Python?
The memory is managed by Python private heap space. This heap space includes all the data structures and objects.
14. Distinguish between range and xrange in Python.
The Range and Xrange functions are quite similar in usage. The only difference between these two functions is the type of object they produce. The Xrange produces an Xrange object whereas the Range function is used for the Python list object. Also, the Range function creates a static list during execution which is different from Xrange function.
15. What are the advantages of NumPy arrays over Python lists?
The NumPy arrays are preferred over Python lists as they consume less memory, save time, yield faster results and are easier to use.
16. What are the disadvantages of using an array to implement Queue?
The disadvantages of using an array to implement Queue are as follows:
- Memory Wastage: The space used to store queue elements can never be reused to store those elements as the elements can only be inserted from front.
- Array Size: The extension in array size is a long and time taking process. It is also impossible to reallocate empty spaces. Thus, it becomes difficult to start with the right array size.
17. Is there a good reason to choose BSTs over AVLs in the first place?
Yes, one can prefer BST over AVL because AVL requires an additional memory and each operation has the potential to be slower.
18. List the advantages of using Tries over Binary Search Trees (BSTs).
The advantages of Tries over Binary Search Trees (BSTs) are as follows:
- It’s quicker to look up keys through the Tries as compared to BSTs. Also, on real processors, the simple actions Tries utilize during lookup, such as array indexing with a character, are quick.
- The Tries with a large number of short keys are more space-efficient.
- Tries facilitate longest-prefix matching, assisting in the discovery of the key with the longest possible prefix of characters, all of which are unique.
19. What distinguishes a structure from a class in C++?
In the C++ language, a structure is a grouping of variables of various data types referenced by the same name whereas a class is defined as a collection of related variables and functions contained within a single structure.
20. What is the difference between new() and malloc()?
The new() calls constructor whereas malloc() function can not call constructor. The new() is an operator while malloc() being a function. The new() operator is used to return the exact data type but malloc() returns void.
21. What are Virtual functions and Pure Virtual functions?
A virtual function is free from the concept of derived class. However, if there is one or more pure virtual functions in a class, it is considered abstract. Pure virtual function is also known as pure virtual method.
22. What is a DNS (Domain Name System) forwarder?
A DNS forwarder is a DNS server that is used to forward DNS queries for external DNS names to DNS servers outside that network.
23. How does the dynamic host configuration protocol help with network management?
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network management protocol that is used to dynamically assign the IP address and other information to each host on the network so that they can communicate efficiently.
24. What do you know about anonymous FTP (File Transfer Protocol)?
Anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP) enables remote users to use the FTP server without an assigned user ID and password.
25. What is the Golden Ratio?
Any two consecutive Fibonacci Numbers have a ratio that is very close to the Golden Ratio, which is equal to 1.618034…. (approximately). The golden ratio approximation is directly proportional to the pair of Fibonacci Numbers. Larger the pair, closer the approximation. The golden ratio can be seen in a sequence starting with two random whole numbers.
Capgemini Interview Questions For Everyone
1. Specify your three best attributes.
To better grasp the candidates’ fundamental qualities, a question is posed to them. The interviewer will remember these three words forever. So while describing yourself, only use good words.
2. What are your strengths and tell me about your weaknesses too?
This is another behavioral inquiry to learn more about the psychology of the applicant. You must make sure that your strengths and weaknesses highlight the positive aspects of your personality in your response to this question.
3. Why do you believe Capgemini is beneficial to you?
This is a crucial interview question since the employer will anticipate that you are aware of it beforehand. If you don’t know anything about the business, the interviewers will think poorly of you.
4. Describe your previous projects for me.
To respond to inquiries about your previous initiatives, you must possess the necessary knowledge. Do keep in mind that you can be asked questions concerning the project’s technical aspects, so be prepared with your responses.
5. What is your rate of technology adoption?
This query will reveal whether you are adaptable, flexible, and receptive to systemic changes. Since technology is constantly evolving, interviewers will regard it favorably if you can swiftly adopt new technology.
6. How do you feel about performing tedious tasks?
Keep in mind that after a while, any work becomes monotonous and repetitious. In your response to this question, try to avoid being negative. Be positive, think positive and excel in your work. Success comes with smartwork.
7. Give me a summary of your qualifications.
This is a crucial question. It proves that your candidacy is legitimate. Your resume needs to be written in great detail. Every skill must be supported, and every weakness must be explained in a way that is relevant.
Capgemini Interview Questions Aptitude and Reasoning Questions
1. What percent of the selling price is lost for a 30% decrease on the cost price?
- 25%
- 30%
- 40%
- None of these
Answer: D
Let CP=100, SP=70
Loss= 30/70*100=42.85%
2. A, B, and C One day’s use of a taxi is available for Rs. 2400. A, B, and C each used the car for six, eight, and ten hours, respectively. What was C’s payment?
- 800
- 600
- 1000
- 1200
Answer: C
Let total fair rs.2400
C share=10/24*2400=1000
3. A 125-meter-long train is moving at 50 km/h. How long will it take for it to pass a man moving at a speed of 5 km/h in the same direction as the train?
- 15 sec
- 10 sec
- 60 sec
- 55 sec
Answer: B
Distance=125 meter speed=50-5=45km/hr=>45*5/18=12.5 m/s
Time=125/12.5=10 sec
4. B is three times as quick as C, whereas A is twice as fast. C will complete the trip in 42 minutes; A will complete the trip in
- 21 MIN
- 64 MIN
- 17 MIN
- 0 MIN
Answer: C
B is thrice as fast as C
C covered in 42 minutes
B covered in 42/3=14 min
5. What fraction of an hour is 2 minutes and 24 seconds?
- 2%
- 4%
- 6%
- 8%
Answer: B
6. A man pays Rs. 29.50 for a book and sells it for Rs. 31.10. Identify his gain percentage.
- 8.1%
- 5.4%
- 9.8%
- 2.4%
Answer: B
So we have C.P. = 29.50
S.P. = 31.10
Gain = 31.10 – 29.50 = Rs. 1.6
Gain %=( Gain/Cost*100)%
= (1.6/29.50?100)%=5.4%
7. See the following series: A4, __, C16, D32, and E64. What figure should go in the empty space here?
- B16
- D4
- B8
- B10
Answer: C
The letters Increase by 1 and the numbers are duplicated by2. So, C
8. The investment split between A and B is 8:7, and the profit split at year’s end is 20:21. Determine A’s investment period if B invested for a year.
Answer: C
Let A invest for x month A=8x
B=7*12=84 months
9. A can finish a particular task in the same amount of time as B and C working together. If A and B could do it in ten days but C could take fifty, then B could finish it by herself.
- 14 DAYS
- 15 DAYS
- 20 DAYS
- 25 DAYS
Answer: D
10. A, B, and C decided to connect with each other while on a work excursion. It was agreed that A would pay Rs. 6500 for a half-year, Rs. 8400 for a year, Rs. 10,000 for three months, and Rs. A must perform the labor in order for him to receive the 5% of the benefits. The compensation received was Rs. 7400. Determine B’s portion of the profit.
- Rs. 1900
- Rs. 2660
- Rs. 2800
- Rs. 2840
Answer: B
For dealing with, A got = 5% of Rs. 7400 = Rs. 370.
Equalization = Rs. (7400 – 370) = Rs. 7030.
Proportion of their investment = (6500 x 6): (8400 x 5): (10000 x 3)
= 39000: 42000: 30000
= 13: 14: 10
B’s offer = Rs. 7030 x14/37= Rs. 2660.
11. Statements: Good things come at a cost. India invests a lot of money in education.
I. The quality of education in India will soon improve. II. Subsidies by themselves can enhance the quality of training.
- The Only conclusion I follow
- Only conclusion II follows
- Either I or || follow
- Neither I nor II follows
- Both I and II follow
Answer: A
12. Statements: Good things come at a cost. India invests a lot of money in education.
I. The quality of education in India will soon improve. II. Subsidies by themselves can enhance the quality of training.
- The Only conclusion I follow
- Only conclusion II follows
- Either I or II follows
- Neither I nor II follows
- Both I and II follow
Answer: D
The above given statement concentrates on how many people are watching TV more and less on how many people are reading daily newspapers or thinking about the same things. This is how neither I nor II follow.
Capgemini Interview Preparation
The candidates aspiring to join Capgemini must prepare well for the interview rounds as it is very competitive. The candidates can take help of these expert curated tips to prepare for the Capgemini Interview 2024. The tips include insight from hiring experts, tech experts and candidates who cracked Capgemini interview rounds. Scroll down below to find the tips that will ease your Capgemini interview preparation journey:
Interview Preparation Tips
- Practice basic English Grammar questions. Often candidates focus more on technical rounds, completely ignoring the English Communication test conducted in round one. It is essential to have a good command over the English language to get hired in a global company like Capgemini.
- Revise basic concepts of Java, C++ and Python. Sometimes, the interviewee asks very basic and simple questions yet the candidates can not answer.
- Be confident. Practice speaking and modulating your tone as required. Sometimes a candidate’s anxiety and inability to present their views efficiently take away their great opportunities.
- Read about recent technological advancements and developments.
- The answers must be to-the point, crisp and clear. Skip irrelevant and unnecessary details from your answers.
- If you are a fresher, mention your college projects and highlight your internship experiences.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is Capgemini good for freshers?
Yes. Capgemini welcomes candidates with zero to little work experience. They test your skills through their three-step selection process.
2. Is the Capgemini interview tough?
The Capgemini interview is highly challenging and competitive. However, it can be cracked easily with the right preparation and strategy.
3. What is the salary of freshers in Capgemini?
The salary of freshers with zero to little experience in Capgemini India is around 3.4 lakhs per annum.
4. Why Capgemini?
Capgemini is a great place to start your career due to its global network, exposure and rich heritage. The employees enjoy various incentives along with high package salaries.
5. How do I join Capgemini?
Capgemini conducts recruitment drives throughout the year. It hires through on-campus drives, walk-in interviews and more. You can also register at the company’s career portal via the official website (www.capgemini.com).
6. Is there any bond in Capgemini?
Yes. At the time of joining the company, the employees are required to sign a 02 year service bond.
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